Supporting Our Mind and Body Through Energy
If someone 30 years ago told you that a table is not really solid, and it is made up energy particles that vibrate at frequency that makes it solid you would laugh and think it be absurd, but in a new stream of science, quantum physics it argues this fact – that all matter is energy and all energy creates matter. Specifically, this brand of science is dedicated to the study of understanding how atoms and quarks and more make our physical existence and how they interact to create everything in our universe based on 118 elements in the periodic table. If all matter is based on energy it is conceivable that we ourselves are energy and just like the table our body, thoughts and emotions are vibrating at a frequency that makes us appear solid and have real experiences, just like the table.
If all mater is energy we can also look at other theories of energy. For example, Newtons law of energy, “energy can not be created or destroyed it shifts from one form to another”. And really, we do this every day by metabolising food, building muscle in our body, creating something new or making a new thought in our mind. So if this theory translates, we can in theory literally change a bad mood, feelings and thoughts into something else by working with the energy that is the driving force behind our reality.
This sounds like alchemy or magic, but observationally we in society acceptably talk about energy shifting all the time like “I did exercise and it helped to shift my mood”. “Being around x person makes me feel calm”. That music or art makes me feel happy. You get my point right? And you may have experienced this for yourself! But as you may have discovered not all exercise, friends or music can make you feel good and sometimes some there are people and things that can do the exact opposite and enhance our negative experiences. Another observation that you might have found is that you might find that these shifts happen when you are actively doing other things too like working with your health care provider, taking medications, eating right and working with a therapist.
Through observational science these effects have been noted in different ways including with sound, meditation, acupuncture and hands on healing[1]. While the mechanisms are not fully understood some people argue the placebo effect or observation bias influencing the outcome, but some researches have been able to create robust studies in which these factors have been eliminated and are still able to produce statistically significant results (verified by independent statisticians) – aka sending energy, using mindfulness and listening to positive music and words works![2].
If you are wondering why people aren’t shouting the praises of such techniques from the roof tops. The answer is conflicting beliefs, many studies have been redacted by science journals because the editors and scientific curators can’t believe it to be true because that is not how science works! [3]
Mindfulness and reiki energy work is recognized by some professional associations for its benefits of relaxation and thus eligible for insurance. This is because when people are relaxed it allows the body to repair itself. So when mindfulness and reiki are introduced with a regime of working with other health professionals it can aid in a client’s journeys – energy becomes an ally for working with mind and body.
When we take the time to truly relax using energy we create space and that space translates into other options for our minds bodies and spirits to take – which tends to be better than the current space we feel stuck in or blocked with our energy. What have you got to loose by trying something new – working with your energy?
[1] Jill Blakeway (2019) Energy Medicine, The Science and Mystery of Healing. Harper Wave USA.
[2] Radin D (2018) Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe. Harmony Books USA
[3] Radin D (2018) Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe. Harmony Books USA
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